Seasonal Tastings

Guests will have the opportunity to sample the finest JOLO wines, carefully selected to reflect the best of each season. Our offerings will change throughout the year, ensuring that every visit allows you to enjoy a diverse array of our award-winning wines. This exclusive tasting includes 7 exceptional wines for $35.

Please note that all of our wines are dry in style except for the dessert wines. Reservations are required! Book your tasting or large group tasting now!
  • rsz_66
  • rsz_71 (1)
  • rsz_68

    Due to the OpenTable algorithm, if you are making both a tasting AND dining reservation you MUST use a different first/last name for the reservation if it is within a 2 hour window. If you have questions or concerns when making your reservation give us a call at the winery 336.614.0030.


    Our Seasonal JOLO Tasting Flight Guests will have the opportunity to sample the finest JOLO wines, carefully selected to reflect the best of each season. Our offerings will change throughout the year, ensuring that every visit allows you to enjoy a diverse array of our award-winning wines.

    This exclusive tasting includes 7 exceptional wines for $35 per person + tax.




    Please note: Reservations are Currently REQUIRED!

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